Thursday, September 30, 2010

{Show me your A's!}

The Sweethearts want to reward the Gamma Kappa chapter's hard work and good grades

Beginning in October, anytime an active member or potential new member of Sigma Chi receives an A (or A-) grade on a test, paper or project they should make a copy of their work and give it to Nick Sokolik. There will also be an envelope or basket somewhere in the house for you to put these assignments. 

Everyone who gives an A (or A-) assignment will receive some sort of reward (probably food) at the end of the month. At the end of the semester all of the individual "A" assignments will be entered into a drawing for a big prize (gift cards, movie tickets, Jazz tickets, or something along those lines). The more A's you enter, the more times your name is entered into the big drawing. 

  "A Student of Fair Ability...."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I initially asked Nick if I could get a picture of the entire Gamma Kappa chapter, including actives and potential new members, I never imagined how daunting a task this would be. The chapter has grown exponentially. Fitting all of these men into a single camera lens is now more challenging than ever. Like love, great brotherhood spreads to everyone around it and lasts an eternity.

A group of brothers too big for my camera to handle (also, I may have had it on the wrong setting).

These men look handsome in "TWalk" dress.

"Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!"

 When asked about his Pledge Pin, potential new member, Zach told me, "This means so much!" Then he gave me his best "Steve-o" thumbs up.

"Let's win this!!!"
Despite the renovation, the porch seems to endure as the most popular part, of the whole house, to hang out.

Their fearless leader.

"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood."-Martin Luther King

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Attention Sweethearts!!!
If you are an elected Sweetheart of the Sigma Chi, Gamma Kappa Chapter then please contact me via email ( I would like a picture of you and your fellow sweetheart and would like to know the year you were elected. If you are a Sweetheart by marriage, then please contact me via email if you would like to have a wedding picture featured in an upcoming blog post. Tell your friends and other Sweethearts!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

{A Successful Rush Week}

Friday September 16, 2010 was an exciting end to a very successful Sigma Chi Rush Week (which was actually several weeks long)! Over 30 young men accepted bids to the Gamma Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi out of more than 100 hopeful applicants. About 26 of the 35 gentlemen showed-up for a tradition known as "The Running of The Hill". Many lucky female friends of the chapter also attended. The men did all the hard work; I just took the pictures.

Alumni members of Sigma Chi came to the chapter house before the "run" 
to celebrate with the newest members. And, also, "to show these men how it's done".

Local celebrity, Daniel Bromley embraces the youth one last time before sending
them to Old Main Hill.

Utah State University's sexiest bachelors all lined up to run down Old Main Hill. 
And ladies, many of them are single. Ooh la la. 

The 2010-2011 Sweethearts with their favorite men. Like "Where's Waldo?" but 
with guys who are much better looking than Waldo. 

Active member, Anthony Drake, grabs the hand of a new member and says, "Congratulations" 
in a show of support.  Other new members rush down without falling.

Sigma Chis at the bottom of the hill supporting a new member who recently injured his tibia in a gruesome accident. Sigma Chi obviously embraces diversity.

Walking up Old Main Hill: a fate worse than death.

Singing "The Bird" song.

A new member feasting on Pounders after the exhausting hill run. 

Vice President, Bryce Parkinson, reflecting on a great Rush.
Sigma Chi Gamma Kappa Fall '10 New Members - About 33 accepted bids in all and about 6 of the men couldn't make it to the hill run.

Congratulations on accepting your bids and good luck in school and Sigma Chi!!!
We all can't wait to see what you accomplish.

The Running of The Hill REMIX!
Here are some of the pictures taken by fellow Sweetheart, Ellen Garr. Enjoy them, they are really fantastic and give you the full grasp of the size of this year's pledge class. We are so excited to see how well all of these great guys do throughout their experience in Sigma Chi!

Johnny is proud to wave the flag.

The Sweethearts again.

Sigma Chi was the only fraternity to have female supporters this year.

A lot of hard work went into this day. It was full of excitement and pride. And, to think, this is just the beginning.